How do kindness practices work?

Let’s use a recent scenario to demonstrate…

Over the last couple of weeks, climate change has been on everyone’s minds.

Cop26 has made sure of it. News coverage of the conference has been scrupulous.

And if you’re anything like me, it’s left you feeling geared up and passionate about supporting the cause.

But what happens when the news moves on?

This is likely what: it dwindles in your memories and you return to your old ways.

It’s a phenomenon known as recency bias. We treat recent events with great importance but when the memory starts to fade, so does the importance we give it.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though.

And this is where kindness or ‘metta’ meditations come in. They work because they bring kindness to the top of your mind.

They have a priming effect.

Training your mind to give importance to kindness, continuously.